There are so many options to lose weight. You can do exercises such as cardio or HIIT, control your meal portion, and consume certain foods. If you are a vegan who needs to lose weight but does not know what you should eat daily, don’t worry! Scroll up to get some recommendations for vegan weight loss foods.
12 Vegan Foods to Decrease your Fats Fast
1. Nuts
The first vegan food that can burn your fats is nuts. Nuts are containing with healthy fats and protein. These nutrients will make your body keeps the blood sugar steady. Also, consuming nuts are satisfying because of their crunchy texture, which helps you a lot when you crave something crunchy. You can try to add nuts such as almonds to your salad, oatmeal, and so on.
2. Nori
Good news for sushi lovers! Nori or seaweed used to roll your sushi is surprisingly helpful in burning fats in your body. Nori is a sea vegetable that has rich protein and dietary fiber. Despite that, it has meager calories and fats, making it suitable for losing weight. You only need five sheets of nori as a perfect snack, and you will get all the benefits.
3. Asparagus
The other recommendation for vegan weight loss foods is asparagus. Do you know that asparagus contains a high amount of fiber? Not only that, but also asparagus contains prebiotics, which can boost your immunity. Eating asparagus will make you satisfy quickly as well. Your belly bloat will go by consuming asparagus because it has a diuretic effect.
4. Portobello Mushrooms
Portobello mushrooms are not only good to consume grilled, but they are also great to add up to your salad. They have a texture that is similar to meat and also flavorful. They only loaded with 21 calories per mushroom cap. If you desire a burger, try to swap your burger with this mushroom. They will make you satisfied because of their meaty texture.
5. Hot Peppers
Are you a person who prefers to eat something spicy? This other recommendation of vegan weight loss foods is perfect for you. Hot peppers are loaded with capsaicin, which can boost your body’s metabolism. You can enjoy hot peppers by sprinkling them on your favorite healthy food, such as soups or other meals.
Several studies show that eating a gram of hot peppers will reduce your appetite and boost fat burning better than people who do not eat hot peppers regularly. However, you have to note that this won’t work on people who are likely eating spicy foods, so you need to level up your tolerance for spiciness.
6. Whole Grains
Whole grains can be effective in losing weight. Whole grains, including brown rice, oats, and quinoa, are loaded with high fiber and good protein. These two nutrients provide fullness. That is why they will help you to lose weight because it will make you eat less than usual.
Oats have beta-glucans, which are soluble fibers that can increase your fullness or satiety and even boost your metabolic health. Meanwhile, brown rice or other forms of rice are loaded with a significant number of resistant starch, especially when you cook it and consume it after cooling down.
7. Avocado
The following recommendation for vegan weight loss foods is avocado. Avocado is unlike most fruits. Avocados are containing with a rich number of fats rather than carbs like other fruits. Even if it includes lots of fats, avocados are also loaded with reasonable amounts of water and fiber. It means they are suitable for your diet program to lose weight.
Besides being rich in water and fiber, avocado also has other vital nutrients like folate, magnesium, potassium, and other vitamins with incredible amounts. If you are likely to eat avocado as your weight loss food, you can consume it raw or just add some amount of avocado to your salad.
8. Banana
Who doesn’t know banana? Banana has lots of good nutrients, which are incredible to help your body burn a high number of fats. Also, you will get many flavorful options for eating this yellow fruit. You can add ripped bananas on top of your vegan ice cream, mix them with oatmeal, bake it, add it to your cereal, or as a snack.
9. Spinach
One university in Swedia found that spinach is effective in holding the appetite by 95%. Also, spinach helps to fasten weight loss by 43%. Spinach is loaded with thylakoids, which are beneficial for speeding up the process of your weight loss program. Not only that, but also a cup of spinach has only 7 grams of calories.

10. Broccoli
The other recommendation of vegan weight loss foods you might try is broccoli. Broccoli is containing with lots of essential nutrients that is beneficial for your body. The important nutrients such as vitamin C, protein, and fibers will be helpful in losing weight and burning fats. Not only that, but also broccoli loaded with good carbs. It is also good for digestion, preventing constipation, and keeping low blood sugar.
11. Green Tea
Another food to lose your weight is green tea. Green tea is loaded with lots of antioxidants called epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG). These nutrients will help your body to increase the speed of your metabolism. Also, green tea contains a little bit of caffeine, which is good for boosting the metabolic rate and increasing fat burning if you drink it before doing exercise.
12. Watermelon
The other recommendation of vegan weight loss foods you may like is watermelon. Watermelon has a high amount of water and fiber, which makes you feel full without consuming many calories. This is the main reason why watermelon is good to consume if you want to burn fats. Besides its delicious and refreshing taste, you can lose weight by eating watermelon.
By eating those vegan weight loss foods that have been mentioned above, you will get easily full, and it will be easier to control your appetite. But, it is better to consume those followed by training your body regularly. You can do push-ups, jump rope, HIIT, cardio, dancing, or any other exercise that will help you to burn fat.
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